J.F.K. Visits Downtown Natick
Senator John Kennedy made a whirl wind tour of Natick on Tuesday October 14, 1958, stopping at the Lilja School and the Natick Common to greet his supporters including those pictured above. Left to right are Mrs. Addison Cole and Mrs. Naroman Knight of West Natick. Ruppert Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Odell, Walter T. Burke, and in the foreground the Edward Odell children, Pamela and Edward Jr. After the Senator spoke on the common, Danny Foley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Foley presented him with a baseball make in Natick at Harwoods.
Jimmy and Danny Foley, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Foley of 13 Lincoln Street, were among those greeting Senator John Kennedy when he campaigned in Natick October 14, 1958.